Tuesday 28 August 2018

Avi Chiat: Three Ways to Travel Smart

Avi Chiat of Boston, Massachusetts, has traveled to numerous countries and believes in the restorative power of worldwide travel. Getting away from our busy schedules to experience new cultures, language, and foods, is one of the best ways to find meaning in our lives, but he knows that it’s important to keep several things in mind to travel safely and smartly, such as the following:

Pack well by bringing lots of items that you can match up together rather than items that can only be worn once and wrinkle easily. Try to ensure that each item can be worn twice comfortably and matches multiple items in your suitcase, creating a multitude of outfits with just a few clothing items.

Make sure that you are registered with your government to receive emergency notices, especially if you’re traveling in more dangerous areas. Stay up to date with all of the goings-on in your destination country to stay safe during your trip.

Plan ahead as much as you can when it comes to transportation from the airport and lodging. Take a map or digital pictures of maps ahead of time in case your phone has issues in your destination country. Avi Chiat suggests asking your lodging for advice about how to get there from your transportation source, as locals will often have advice that works better than Google Maps.  


Avi Chiat: Successful Entrepreneur in Boston

Avi Chiat is a successful entrepreneur and nature enthusiast who lives and works in Boston, Massachusetts.