Monday 22 May 2017

Avi Chiat: Why Read?

Avi Chiat is an entrepreneur who enjoys hobbies like reading whenever he isn’t furthering his career. Whether he’s inside on a rainy day or enjoying the sunlight in a nearby park, Avi Chiat can frequently be found lost in a good book. 

If you don’t read often, below are reasons why you should take a page from Avi Chiat and relax with a good book:

 Vocabulary and Communication
Reading can improve your vocabulary, particularly if you look up each unfamiliar word you encounter. As you do so, you’ll learn new ways to communicate your thoughts, increasing your ability to connect with others through the written and spoken word. 

 Focus and Concentration
Reading requires you to focus and concentrate. If this is hard to do, that’s a sign that you could use some practice. As you read more, you’ll find it easier to focus and concentrate in daily life. 

For those who feel that they can’t find books they enjoy, spend a day at the library exploring different genres until you, like Avi Chiat, find the wonders of reading. 

Monday 15 May 2017

Avi Chiat: Traveling Close to Home

Avi Chiat is an entrepreneur who enjoys traveling in his free time. He doesn’t always go somewhere exotic though. Sometimes, travelers like Mr. Chiat enjoy finding adventures close to home.

Traveling to areas near your home is a unique experience. People like Avi Chiat will often go to a new town or place and sit, people watch, read or otherwise experience it through a local’s eyes. This inspires a new appreciation for where you live. 

Start by looking for hidden gems that you might recommend to a friend from out of town. Maybe there’s a beautiful waterfall that’s two or three hours from you, or an art district in the city adjacent to yours. Finding your destination could be as simple as seeing the name of a town twenty minutes away that you’ve never been to and setting out to explore it. 

When Avi Chiat explores, he often brings friends and family to share the experience. Being surrounded by those you love can make finding something new several times more exciting.

Friday 12 May 2017

Avi Chiat - Spending time with the Family

Avi Chiat, a Boston, Massachusetts, businessman who enjoys spending his free time with the family. Avi Chiat can be found watching the Red Sox or the Patriots with his friends and family. 

Wednesday 10 May 2017

Avi Chiat: Why You Should Unplug Once a Month

Avi Chiat is a busy entrepreneur in Boston, Massachusetts. Avi Chiat leads a full life and stays connected with the world as most of us do, through technology. Avi Chiat also, however, appreciates the benefits of unplugging and spending time in nature.

Unplugging, or removing yourself from technology in favor of time in nature, with a book or with friends, helps people like Avi Chiat relax. It isn’t just in their minds, either. Unplugging offers real benefits. 

For example, unhealthy emotions like jealousy, loneliness and envy are perpetuated by social media. 
Unplugging gives your mind a chance to quit thinking about what other people are doing and worry about what you enjoy. It also reduces the fear of missing out on life, replacing pictures of food, beaches, gyms and cats with real experiences that engage you with the world. 

If you want to start experiencing life without technology, as Avi Chiat does, consider scheduling one day per month to unplug. Put down your cell phone, tell those close to you that you won’t be available and get away, if only for a few hours.

Monday 8 May 2017

Avi Chiat: How to Start Reading More

Avi Chiat is an entrepreneur whose free time is often spent with family and friends. When Avi Chiat isn’t surrounded by his loved ones, though, Avi Chiat enjoys losing himself in a good book. 

If you don’t read often, and you find yourself wishing you were more of a book worm, like Avi Chiat is, the answer is to start reading more. 

Points like those below will help you introduce this beneficial habit to your life:

Schedule Reading Time

Make time in your schedule for reading. It doesn’t matter when, just block out time of every day to read.  

 Read What You Love

Don’t limit yourself to a “must read” list if nothing on the list looks good. Read about things you love. 

Whether it’s sports, mathematics, dogs, fantasy lands, sci-fi adventures or the benefits of reading, whatever subject you enjoy most should be where you start reading. If you’re not sure what you like reading, ask family and friends for recommendations. 

Readers like Avi Chiat don’t just love books for fun – as you read, you’ll reap health benefits like less stress, a better vocabulary and increased concentration.

Tuesday 2 May 2017

Avi Chiat: Ways to Connect with Nature

Avi Chiat is a Boston, Massachusetts, entrepreneurial businessman who enjoys spending his free time connecting with nature.

For people like Avi Chiat, spending time outdoors is more engaging than any television show or movie. It’s a way to connect with your roots, to truly see the world around you and to destress. These people reap health benefits like less stress and better immune systems, and all they do is go outside. 

Touch the Earth

Don’t just sit on a park bench and look at nature. Touch the earth. Take off your shoes, feel the grass on your feet, play in the dirt, garden, look for rocks and otherwise truly connect. 


If you have difficulty sitting still, and many of us do in the modern world, hike. Pick a beginner’s trail and conquer it. Take proper precautions, of course, but get outside and immerse yourself in the beauty of a natural park. 

Bring Plants Inside

Grow plants in your home, tend to them and enjoy a bit of potted nature for when you can’t be outside.

Don’t sit inside and read about people like Avi Chiat, go be with nature.

Also Read: Avi Chiat: Health Benefits of Tennis

Avi Chiat: Successful Entrepreneur in Boston

Avi Chiat is a successful entrepreneur and nature enthusiast who lives and works in Boston, Massachusetts.