Friday 30 August 2019

Avi Chiat: The Easy Way to Start Gardening

Avi Chiat loves to garden in his Boston community whenever he isn’t busy as an entrepreneur. Avi is passionate about growing vegetables, herbs, and other plants, and he enjoys spending time in nature.

The Easy Way to Start Gardening
Even if you don’t have any of the experience that Avi Chiat does, you can use this simple 1-2-3 method to start gardening now:

  1. Pick one edible plant. Select one edible plant that you'd like to grow and research what conditions it needs. If you have the wrong growing conditions, try again with another selection.
  2. Buy a starter plant from a local nursery. Ask for a variety of your chosen plant that does well in your planting zone and request care instructions.
  3. Grow it in a container and enjoy your harvest. No matter where you live, you can grow your plant in a pot and follow the instructions to help it thrive. Enjoy your produce!

Saturday 24 August 2019

Avi Chiat: Three Simple Salad Garden Hacks

Avi Chiat has been gardening since he was a boy learning the craft from his grandfather, and it has taught him about life, science, and patience. It has also, put homegrown salad veggies on his plate hundreds of times, and he keeps a garden to this day.

Three Simple Salad Garden Hacks

Ready to join gardeners like Avi Chiat and grow a beautiful salad garden? Try these five hacks for a better harvest:

  • Baking soda grows sweeter tomatoes. Sprinkling baking soda on the soil you grow your tomatoes uses chemistry to improve their flavor by lowering acidity.
  • Wine bottles make it easy to water plants. Fill up a wine bottle with water and poke the neck into the soil for a slow-release watering solution.
  • Make a keyring of instructions. Putting your plant tags on a keyring let you save individual instructions without the mess.
Visit for more information about him.

Thursday 15 August 2019

Avi Chiat: Four Unexpected Reasons to Play Tennis

Avi Chiat found his passion for tennis from a great instructor who inspired him to excel. He loves playing tennis today, and he also watches tournaments with friends when he can. 

Four Unexpected Reasons to Play Tennis

The three unexpected benefits below are just some of the many that players like Avi Chiat reap:
Better social skills. Tennis helps players develop positive personality traits and improve their socialization around others.

Longer life. Playing tennis for three hours per week (which is easy to double when you love the sport) can increase your life expectancy and decrease the risk of heart disease. 

Improved problem-solving ability. Tennis uses physics, angles, geometry, and evaluation. All of this can translate to enhanced problem-solving when you're off the court and in your home or office.

Boosted brain power. Kids who play tennis often get better grades, and adults might experience enhanced neural connections.


Saturday 3 August 2019

Avi Chiat Enjoys a Good Book

Avi Chiat enjoys immersing himself in a good book. Fiction or nonfiction, long or short, Chiat appreciates the escape a good novel provides. Reading, as he knows, can have numerous benefits, including the enhancement of knowledge, mental stimulation, entertainment and relaxation. Chiat absorbs new books and reading materials whenever he can—and has made reading a part of his daily routine.

For more information visit:

Avi Chiat: Successful Entrepreneur in Boston

Avi Chiat is a successful entrepreneur and nature enthusiast who lives and works in Boston, Massachusetts.