Tuesday 2 May 2017

Avi Chiat: Ways to Connect with Nature

Avi Chiat is a Boston, Massachusetts, entrepreneurial businessman who enjoys spending his free time connecting with nature.

For people like Avi Chiat, spending time outdoors is more engaging than any television show or movie. It’s a way to connect with your roots, to truly see the world around you and to destress. These people reap health benefits like less stress and better immune systems, and all they do is go outside. 

Touch the Earth

Don’t just sit on a park bench and look at nature. Touch the earth. Take off your shoes, feel the grass on your feet, play in the dirt, garden, look for rocks and otherwise truly connect. 


If you have difficulty sitting still, and many of us do in the modern world, hike. Pick a beginner’s trail and conquer it. Take proper precautions, of course, but get outside and immerse yourself in the beauty of a natural park. 

Bring Plants Inside

Grow plants in your home, tend to them and enjoy a bit of potted nature for when you can’t be outside.

Don’t sit inside and read about people like Avi Chiat, go be with nature.

Also Read: Avi Chiat: Health Benefits of Tennis

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Avi Chiat: Successful Entrepreneur in Boston

Avi Chiat is a successful entrepreneur and nature enthusiast who lives and works in Boston, Massachusetts.